Specialist in Cognitive Behavioural Treatment (CBT) for Anxiety Disorders and Depression.
Specialist in CBT for Generalised Anxiety Disorder, and obsessional disorders.
Specialist in Social Anxiety and Avoidant Issues in relating to others and navigating interpersonal aspects of work and relationships.
Expertise in Schema Therapy approach to managing relationship issues and an individual's patterns in relationships.
Clinical Psychologist at CRUfAD, the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety Disorders, St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, conducting CBT programs for Anxiety Disorders: Social Phobia, Panic Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Specific Phobias, Body Dysmorphic Disorder and OCD, and Depression.
Clinical Psychologist at Prince Henry Hospital, Sydney, Spinal Injuries Unit and Neurological Rehabilitation.
Clinical Psychologist in Private Practice since 2001
Teaching and Supervision
Presentations at professional psychology conferences and seminars
Training Medical students at UNSW in the treatment of Anxiety Disorders
Teaching on the Masters of Psychological Medicine course
Training Psychiatry Registrars in the treatment of Anxiety Disorders using CBT
Supervision of Masters of Clinical Psychology interns and Clinical Psychology Registrars
Rosser,S. Erskine, A. & Crino, R. (2004). Pre-existing antidepressants and the outcome of group cognitive behaviour therapy for social phobia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 38, 233-239.
Rosser, S., Issakidis, C., & Peters, L.(2003). Perfectionism and social phobia: Relationship between the constructs and impact on cognitive behaviour therapy, Cognitive Therapy and Research, 27, 143-151.
Lampe, L. & Rosser, S.(1999). Contemporary Issues in Psychiatry: Social Phobia (Vdeo). Excerpta Medica Communications.
Conference Presentations
Rosser, S. & Crino, R.(2002). Body dysmorphic concerns in social phobia. National Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy, Brisbane.
Rosser, S., Erskine, A. & Crino, R.(2001). Pre-existing anti-depressant medication and the outcome of group CBT for social phobia. National Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy, Sydney.
Rosser,S., Erskine, A. & Crino, R.(2001). Anti-depressant medication and the outcome of cognitive behaviour therapy for social phobia. Anxiety Disorders
Foundation of Australia Conference on Anxiety Disorders, Sydney.
Rosser, S., Issakidis, C. & Peters, L.(2000). Perfectionism in social phobia. 10th St. Vincent's Campus Research Symposium, Sydney.
Rosser, S.(1999). Perfectionism in social phobia. Australian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Perth.
Rosser, S.(1999). Panic Disorder/Agoraphobia: Recent Advances in cognitive behaviour therapy. Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety Disorders, Sydney.
Rappaport, A., Rosser, S. & Livermore, N. (1997). Early detection of psychological problems in the Spinal Unit. International Medical Society of Paraplegia, Perth.
Rappaport, A., Rosser, S. & Livermore, N. (1996). A psychological perspective on the Spinal Injury Unit. International Medical Society of Paraplegia, Christchurch.
Rappaport, A. & Rosser, S.(1995). Innovative approach to psychology in spinal rehabilitation. Innovations in Trauma Rehabilitation, Melbou
Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Honours) UNSW
Masters of Psychology (Clinical) UNSW
AHPRA Reg No: PSY0001159950
Medicare Provider No: 2590735H
AHPRA Approved Clinical Psychology Supervisor
Australian Psychological Society (APS) Clinical College Full Member
The Australian Clinical Psychology Association (ACPA)
Australian Association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (AACBT)
Anxiety Practitioners Network (APN)